Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Summer hair care

In the summer your hair get dryer especially if you swim in the ocean or the pool a lot!

Dry hair is usually the hair that has not a sufficient amount of natural moisturizer and oil. This can be caused by over-exposure to the sun without protecting the hair, by excessive washing - especially with harsh chemical substances, excessive use of styling products and hot styling methods (blow drier, heat iron), excessive dying of the hair etc.

You should consider natural moisturizers, such as natural oils, and nutritious remedies. The coconut oil is much recommended for regaining the shine and brightness of your hair, as the molecular structure of this oil is almost similar to the one of sebum, the natural hair moisturizer. It can be used as an overnight as well as a daily treatment for the hair.

Other types of natural oils that provide moisture for your hair are: olive, ylang-ylang, almond, avocado, rosemary essential oil, wheat germ oil, emu oil, shea oil and herbal oils such as: nettle oil, plantain oil, burdock oil etc. These are very efficient as they provide a wide range of nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins vital for the hair and scalp. You can also mix one of these oils with honey and then apply it as a mask for the hair.

You can also make a very efficient natural tonic for the hair by simply mixing 2 egg yolks and beat the paste until it is foamy. Then massage the entire scalp and hair with it and, when done, rinse it off with warm water. The egg is a very nutritious product, as it is a source of 11 essential nutrients, vitamin A and D. Mayonnaise is also beneficial for dry hair.

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