Thursday, February 14, 2013

New overnight treatment recipe for deep wrinkles and dehydrated skin:

SKIN CARE RECIPE for deep wrinkles and dehydrated skin: 

Apply this treatment before going to bed.

- Sea Kelp Mask, apply for 20 minutes then rinse well with warm water.

-Apply the Super Peptide Anti aging Serum with Fast Action Brightening, all over your face and thick under the eye and crow feet. wait 10 minutes then apply over it:

-Ultra Lift cream all over your face.

Wakeup the next morning with a new skin!!!!


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  2. I'd like to know how much time it takes for acne to clear. Oh, and also, what kind of fruits and vegetables are best against acne? P.S. - I started washing my face regularly and try not to touch it as much. homeopathic acne treatments
