Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fabulous Antioxidant mask before your date!

"Before a presentation or date, I always like to use the Fabulous hydrating mask for 5-10 
minutes for the antioxidant benefits," says I'm Fabulous® Luxury Skincare and Organic 
Makeup Founder, Anais Lacerte "You can also use this time to check up on emails."

The Fabulous Antioxidant Mask reverses the oxidizing free radical process for smoother, younger, happier and truly vibrant skin. Loaded with potent antioxidant and free radical superhero fighters, this miracle mask will give you the boost, lift and shine that every person with skin looks for in a skin care ally. Free radical damage, called oxidation, shows up in our skin as wrinkles and sagging. The cellular matrix of our cells collapses under the ongoing attack of free radicals. Antioxidants HALT AND REVERSE this intracellular and extracellular attack.

Fabulous Antioxidant Mask combats cellular aging via the suppression and deactivation of dangerous and damaging free radicals. 

This miracle masque will give you the boost, 

lift and shine that every person with skin 

looks for in a skin care ally. 

Free radical damage, called oxidation, shows up in our skin as wrinkles and sagging. The cellular matrix of our cells collapses under the ongoing attack of free radicals. Antioxidants HALT AND REVERSE this intracellular and extracellular attack.

The Extreme Antioxidant Masque combats cellular aging via the suppression and deactivation of dangerous and damaging free radicals.

Consider first that your body is constructed of cells. A cell, in order to be the type of cell it happens to be (nerve cell, muscle cell, brain cell, or liver cell), must maintain the integrity of its energy signature. The cell's energy signature is in its molecules, which are constructed of atoms. Molecules are groups of atoms magnetized together by an electromagnetic force field, known as a chemical bond.

During the onset of disease and aging (aging is actually a slow form of AIDS, wherein the immune system can no longer keep up with repairing the free radical damage inflicted upon the cells), the bonds that hold the molecules together break. Now you have two molecular fragments. For the bond to exist, it must have a pair of electrons. A molecular fragment with only one electron behaves in a highly unstable fashion.

Also, since it's no longer chemically bonded or mated, it's referred to as single - but not for long. This free radical wants to be mated. It goes about finding a paired electron to steal, punching a hole through the wall of a cell membrane and rupturing its DNA, hacking into the genetic code and destroying enzymes to get what it wants - a new electron. It's like a vampire sucking the life-force from its victim and discarding the lifeless husk. 

If its victim happens to survive the attack, it also becomes a vampire in search of an electron - it also becomes a free radical. Free radicals clone themselves at an amazing speed.

The damage done cellularly is called oxidation. It is what allows an iron bar to rust and crumble to nothing. This is why we require concentrated antioxidants, which are so loaded with extra electrons that they can give electrons back to damaged cells and make them healthy and whole once again.

You will adore this face mask!!!!!

Order at im-fabulous.com

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